“Thick of It” by Ulrike Almut Sandig
Thick of It by Ulrike Almut Sandig Translated from the German Karen Leeder 96 pgs. | hc | 9780857425560 | $19.00 Seagull Books Review by Talia Franks Thick of It by Ulrike Almut Sandig is a slender book of poetry, vibrantly translated from the original German into English by Karen Leeder. The poems are prefaced ...
“The Great Passage” by Shion Miura
The Great Passage by Shion Miura translated from the Japanese by Juliet Winters Carpenter 222 pgs. | pb |9781477823071 | $14.95 AmazonCrossing Reviewed by Talia Franks Shion Miura’s The Great Passage chronicles the construction of a dictionary also called The Great Passage, which is a comprehensive catalog ...