Discover Grant money can be used to pay for student living expenses that help enable proposed research to happen. It awards funds that may be used for housing, food, and transportation costs necessary for a summer research experience.
Since these awards are meant to increase and enhance undergraduate research opportunities for University of Rochester students, preference is given to proposals that clearly demonstrate that the funding allows a research opportunity to happen where it would not otherwise occur.
The Office of Undergraduate Research administers the program. Proposals are reviewed by a group of faculty with expertise in disciplines scattered representatively throughout the College. This group makes recommendations to the director of undergraduate research and the dean of the College, who make final funding decisions.
This grant money cannot be used to pay a student for work for which they are receiving academic credit; in general, requests for student support for credit-bearing experiences will be denied.
Grant money can ONLY be used by University of Rochester matriculated, degree-seeking undergraduate students; all other requests for pay will be denied.
To be eligible for this award, students must have a(n):
- Confirmed research position and supervisor for the summer
- Identified a gap between their cost of living (housing, transportation, food) and any money they will be making (research assistant wages, other summer work wages, other university funding/scholarship programs)
More Information
For more information, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Research or visit the summer research funding web page.