Page 10 - Celebrating 10 Years of Impact | George Eastman Circle | University of Rochester
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                                                             EASTMAN INSTITUTE

                                                             FOR ORAL HEALTH

                                                             •  Educational support helped provide unique
                                                               opportunities for advanced, specialized dental education
                                                               and training, and for expanding areas of study such as
                                                               delivering care to older adults that helps manage chronic
                                                               diseases and degenerative illnesses.
                                                             •  Annual funds also supported community outreach
                                                               dentistry, providing care via teledentistry across upstate
                                                               New York, in clinics, hospitals, and community health
                                                               centers across Rochester, and in mobile vans that care for
                                                               children in city schools and rural areas, and care for
                                                               children and adults with physical, developmental, or
          $1.3 Million                                         intellectual disabilities, as well as other medically
            Pledged                                            challenging conditions.
                                                             •  Funds also supported our top-ranked national research
                                                               that is gaining international attention for a wide variety
                                                               of breakthrough discoveries, from fundamental science
                                                               to oral cancer, and bone loss to pain management.

                                                             UR MEDICINE

                                                             HOME CARE

                                                             •  Funds for programs like Meals On Wheels provided
                                                               hundreds of thousands of nutritious, volunteer-delivered
                                                               meals to thousands of homebound recipients
                                                               throughout Monroe County.

                                                             •  They also helped improve the health, well-being, and self-
                                                               sufficiency of hundreds of low-income, first-time
                                                               mothers and their children through the Nurse-Family
                                                               Partnership Program.
                                                             •  UR Medicine Home Care monitored thousands of
                                                               patients’ blood pressure, temperature, weight, oxygen
           $387,000                                            and glucose levels right from their homes using
            Pledged                                            Telehealth technology, resulting in an estimated annual
                                                               health care cost savings of $1.5 million.
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