Professional and Competency Development
Staff from across the University have come together to identify and curate resources for students to build professional skills and competencies that we think will compliment your academic coursework. Many of the offerings represent skills and competencies we know will be sought after by employers, graduate programs, fellowship organizations, and many other opportunities you may seek during the upcoming summers or post-graduation. They also connect directly to all of the College Competencies at the University of Rochester.
The Medallion Program is the College's premier leadership development experience. Completing the program provides undergraduate students with proficient knowledge in the College Competency: Leadership. It is uniquely designed to allow students to enter the program at any point, meaning attending a workshop in either Level 1 or 2 (even before enrolling) is acceptable. The program's sophisticated attendance tracking allows students to track and document their progress once they are ready to enroll. Each workshop is connected to one of six foundational domains of the Medallion Program: intrapersonal development, knowledge acquisition, cognitive complexity, practical competence, civic engagement, interpersonal competence, as well as one of the seven College Competencies. Follow the Medallion Program on Facebook or Instagram @medallionprogram.
The Success Skills project started with our 2019 Design Challenge student winners – Adventure Capital.
The idea is simple: curate a list of courses, trainings, and learning opportunities in order to develop skills or competencies that compliment what students learn in their courses. The pilot effort focuses on key areas identified by alumni and students.
Check out some of the offerings and feel free to recommend other resources using the volunteer/recommendation form.
Increasingly, more students are entering the “gig economy” which is a trend for the Future of Work. We compiled some resources and created a gig economy guide to help students answer questions about how to establish a side-hustle.
Please note: All international students must consult with an ISO adviser to determine eligibility to undertake any gig work or an internship.
The Greene Center has set aside some of its funding typically provided for summer internships to help students access some of the cool Success Skills opportunities. Check out the application and deadlines.