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Jim Mandelaro

Communications Specialist

Jim Mandelaro


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Campus Life
September 5, 2019 | 12:36 pm

‘Just the most incredible feeling in the world’

For first-generation college student Siera Sadowski ’23, the financial freedom of a Handler Scholarship and the academic freedom of Rochester’s curriculum are opening doors.

topics: Alan and Jane Handler Scholarship, Class of 2023, Warner School of Education,
Campus Life
September 3, 2019 | 02:34 pm

Football, acting, and activism spur this South Florida native

James Bentayou ’23 hopes Rochester will become a place where he can combine his interest in acting, politics, and football. “I want people on campus to remember me.”

topics: athletics, Class of 2023, Department of Political Science, School of Arts and Sciences,
Campus Life
August 28, 2019 | 02:31 pm

The (drum) beat goes on for this musician engineer

Combining her life-long love for music with her interest in technology led Sanaa Finley ’23 to feel “right at home” at Rochester.

topics: Audio and Music Engineering, Class of 2023, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Campus Life
August 26, 2019 | 05:20 pm

Class of ’23 lends a hand on Wilson Day

An annual day of service for first-year students, Wilson Day saw more than 1,400 students working in gardens, churches, classrooms, and community centers across Rochester.

topics: Class of 2023, featured-post-side, Wilson Day,
Campus Life
August 21, 2019 | 05:31 pm

Welcome to Rochester, Class of 2023

As incoming students and their families lined their vehicles up on River Campus and the Eastman School of Music, they were greeted by enthusiastic volunteers and University President Sarah C. Mangelsdorf.

topics: Class of 2023, featured-post,
In Photos
August 16, 2019 | 01:45 pm

White Coat Ceremony honors new medical students

More than 100 medical students received their white coats—the traditional lab jackets worn by physicians and medical scientists—to formally join the School of Medicine & Dentistry at the Robert L. & Lillian H. Brent White Coat Ceremony.

topics: School of Medicine and Dentistry,
The Arts
July 16, 2019 | 11:56 am

Winning the ‘Olympics’ of the carillon

Recent physics graduate Alex Johnson ’19 had never played the bells before coming to Rochester. Now he is one of the best musicians in the world at the instrument, taking first place at the international Queen Fabiola Carillon Competition.

topics: Arthur Satz Department of Music, awards, Class of 2019, Department of Physics and Astronomy, featured-post-side, global engagement, Hopeman Memorial Carillon, School of Arts and Sciences,
Campus Life
May 20, 2019 | 03:09 pm

Four high school teachers receive Singer Family Prize

A Commencement tradition for the past 12 years, the Singer Family Prize is given to high school teachers who have made a difference in the lives of the seniors who nominate them.

topics: awards, Class of 2019, Singer Family Prize,