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Sponsored Research Administration

Allowable versus unallowable costs
Policy and procedures for the Administration of cost sharing
Policy regarding what Immigration Sponsorship Costs (e.g., visas) are allowable as direct costs of sponsored projects.
Policy regarding what costs qualify as participant support costs and the budgeting and accounting for such costs
Identifying conditions of a sponsored program


Effort Verification Template

Outlines policy and procedures for complying with federal effort/payroll allocation requirements and other applicable sponsor requirements.

Template to assist with documenting investigator committed, reported and actual effort.

Departmental guidance for the administration of Industry-Funded Conference Grants
National Defense Authorization Act - Statute 41 U.S.C. 4712)
Defines PI eligibility and outlines what is required for an exception to the policy
Guidance for Principal Investigators and Administrators for when a PI is leaving the University
This policy sets forth the definition of program income, the proper use, accounting and reporting of program income at the UR
Identifies how long specific types of records must be retained
Policy and procedure for review and administration of School of Medicine and Dentistry service agreements
University guidelines on establishing a Service Center
Policy on when a proposal requires Dean's office approval
Policy on when a proposal requires Dean's office approval
Policy on Summer Salary


Equipment and Property

Equipment Disposition Guidelines Process for disposing of equipment purchased under a sponsored award
Equipment Fabrication Policy Fabricated equipment items developed under federally-sponsored awards
Guidelines for Capitalization of Assets This Finance policy outlines in general terms the distinction between capitalized and non-capitalized plant and equipment acquisitions.
Guidelines for treatment of computers as direct costs These guidelines reflect the University of Rochester’s practices regarding directly charging computers to sponsored projects.


Intellectual Property

Access to and Retention of Research Data Policy on UR access and retention of research data, particularly data generated under sponsored agreements.
Intellectual Property Policy Intellectual Property Policy
Research Terms for Intellectual Property Agreements Standard terms for Intellectual Property rights in industry-funded collaboration, research and development and clinical trial agreements
Presentation: IP Issues When a PI Leaves Slide deck regarding IP considerations when a researcher leaves the University of Rochester
Significant Use of University Resources and Intellectual Property Ownership Guidance for University of Rochester Research Community on the significant use of University resources and Intellectual Property Ownership.
Investment of University funds in start-up companies involving UR personnel This policy establishes guidelines under which the University of Rochester may use funds to invest in start-up companies in which University personnel are personally involved (either as investors, management, or both).
Openness in Research Policy on publication and dissemination of research results.


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