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Proposal Submission


Proposal signoff

IORA (Integrated Online Research Adminstration) will now be used to capture the signoff information for all proposals.

Form to use when the University of Rochester is a Subrecipient from another institution.
Form to use when NIH is the Prime on a UR Subward and the Subrecipient is a foreign entity.
This form is uploaded as part of the PI Certification Activity when submitting a Multiple PI project to the NIH. It should be signed by all additional PIs.
This form must be completed and submitted along with the PI Certification for all proposals to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
This Risk Assessment Checklist form is required for Externally-Sponsored Investigator-Initiated Clincial Trials
If you or someone else needs access to IORA, please use this form. You can request access for yourself or another person.
Form to submit to ORPA to request an eRA commons account. Registration page for the NSF Community
Form to submit when proposal involves sharing of indirects.



Required at award stage for committed cost sharing.
Form to request an Advance Account (GR FAO) prior to receipt of official award notice.
Form to request a First Federal No-cost Extension.
Form to request a Second Federal No-Cost Extension.
Form to request carryover.
Form to request change of PD/PI.
Form to request change of Data Management Sharing Plan (DMSP).
UR Certification of Compliance Form Form used for Certification of Compliance (FAR Clasue 52.204.27)
UR internal relinquishing form Form used at closeout to transfer NIH grant to another institution
Form used when calculating the unobligated balance for NIH progress reports



UR contact information sheet included as a subaward attachment.
Subawardee contact information to be included as a subaward attachment.
Required from potential subawardee at time of proposal for committed cost sharing.
Suggested format for documentation of achievement of third party cost sharing
Purchasing Department creates Small Disadvantaged and Women Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plans.
Certification form for PIs who have NIH awards with Foreign Subaward/Consortium Written Agreements


Standard Agreements

Standard Agreement Type Definitions
Standard template for Clinical Trial Agreement
Standard template for Clinical Trial Agreement - Investigator Initiated
Standard template for Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement
Standard template for Master Clinical Research Agreement
Standard template for Research Agreement
Standard template for Collaborative Research Agreement
Standard template for Visiting Scientist Agreement
Required for all research personnel; form to be submitted to ORPA
Standard template for Material Testing Agreement
Unfunded Agreements (CDA, DUA, MTA)


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