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Bulletin: May 22, 2021

At approximately 3:00 am on 5/22/21, DPS received a blue light emergency phone call from an unaffiliated person (not a UR community member) stating that they had just been robbed while sitting in their parked car on Swan Street near the RG&E substation. Four juveniles on bicycles approached the victim’s car, opened the car doors, demanded money, and struck the victim several times in the face. There were no weapons displayed. The juveniles then got onto their bikes and rode westbound on East Main Street.

The Rochester Police and an ambulance responded to the scene. The Rochester Police indicated that there had been similar incidents of this type in the city overnight and were continuing to investigate.

If you were in the area and think you may have seen or heard something that can help, please call 911 or Public Safety at 585-275-3333.

Here are some tips to remember:

  • STAY AWARE of your surroundings. Keeping alert is your best defense. Keep your doors locked while in your vehicle.
  • LET IT GO! Property can be replaced, but you are one of a kind.
  • IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF A CRIME – AS SOON AS IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, call Public Safety from the nearest Blue Light Emergency Phone or dial 585-275-3333 if on campus. If off campus, call the police by dialing 9-1-1 (Every minute counts!)