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wo uniformed officers on bicycles ride towards the camera on a paved path, with an orange utility vehicle behind them and green trees in the background.

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Welcome to the University of Rochester Department of Public Safety (DPS). We look forward to working with you to make your experience here safe, positive, and meaningful. Please explore our website to learn more about our teamservices, and how we maintain safety on our campuses.

Quchee Collins appointed inaugural associate vice president of public safety

Meet Quchee Collins (pronounced Q-hee), the new face of campus safety at the University. As the University’s first associate vice president of Public Safety and chief Public Safety Officer, he brings fresh ideas and a wealth of experience to our campuses. In this 2-minute video, Chief Collins describes his vision for the future of public safety on campus, weighs in on effective leadership and emphasizes the importance of building community.

Read the announcement