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Bulletin: May 24, 2021

On the evening of 5/24/21 at approximately 10:30 p.m. an undergraduate student was the victim of a strong arm robbery. The robbery occurred across from the Riverview residence hall, at the corner of Barton Street and South Plymouth Avenue. The student was approached from behind by two unknown males who stole the victim’s wallet, cell phone and keys. The student was struck in the face and suffered a minor injury.  There were no weapons used or displayed and the males left the area in a black sedan. The Rochester Police are investigating.

If you were in the area and think you may have seen or heard something that can help, please call Public Safety at 585-275-3333.

Here are some tips to remember:

  • STAY AWARE of your surroundings. Keeping alert is your best defense.
  • LET IT GO! Property can be replaced, but you are one of a kind.
  • IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF A CRIME – AS SOON AS IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, call Public Safety from the nearest Blue Light Emergency Phone or dial 585-275-3333if on campus. If off campus, call the police by dialing 9-1-1 (Every minute counts!)