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Fall 2023

‘Think Safe’

Crime statistics, fire safety, campus security, crime reporting policies, and disciplinary procedures.

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Under federal and state law, the University must inform you about campus security policies, procedures, victim rights, and services, as well as certain crime statistics reported to campus and local authorities. We must also inform you about fire safety policies, procedures, systems, and statistics.

Being open about safety, including unpleasant topics, helps us better understand what we face on campus. What we do, or fail to do, affects our own safety and that of others. The success of individual and University efforts depends on personal and mutual commitments to look after the well-being of one another. This publication contains the security and fire safety annual reports and will prepare you to think safe.

We are better when we work together

Working together promotes awareness of the needs of one’s neighbors and fosters a sense of common purpose. The University is part of a larger, urban community where crime is a constant reality. Maintaining a safe and secure community must be a cooperative undertaking. Public Safety staff alone cannot resolve every breach of good security practice.

A partnership is required. Here’s what you can do:

  • Attend at least one of the many personal safety seminars offered throughout the year and incorporate the ideas suggested into daily habits.
  • Report hazards, keeping in mind the various means available to summon aid in an emergency.
  • Pay attention to signs of possible risk and plan how to respond to these situations.
  • Remember, you are responsible for the actions of those you invite to campus while they are here. You can help by informing them of the University’s policies, rules, regulations, and expectations for proper behavior.
Portrait of Gerald Pickering

Message from Interim Chief Gerald Pickering

“The University of Rochester is deeply committed to protecting the safety and security of everyone in our campus community. The University is secured 24/7 by highly trained Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers and staff who work collaboratively with many groups on campus and engage in outreach and education efforts. Reported crimes and incidents on our campuses are historically low and remain so, but recent national events have reminded us of the vital role we all play in maintaining the safety of our campuses. As we begin a new academic year, I’d like to provide an overview of campus safety and offer some useful resources.”

Full message

Articles and safety topics

Contacting Public Safety and communication methods

Crime: Reporting and prevention

Policies and documentation

Resources and services


Sexual harassment