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Public Safety Offers Reminders on Pedestrian, Bicyclist and Driver Safety

With the return of students to campus and much more outdoor activity on and around our campuses, the Department of Public Safety reminds everyone how to safely navigate the area roadways and pathways together, with special attention to safety around crosswalks.


  • Always cross roads at marked crosswalks.
  • Obey any pedestrian signals and make sure the road is clear in both directions before crossing.
  • If a vehicle approaches, make eye contact with the driver before you cross.
  • Look before walking past stopped vehicles. Do not cross just because a driver waves you on. Be sure all lanes are clear first.



  • Yield to pedestrians.
  • Remember that bicyclists are not considered pedestrians unless they are walking their bikes. Otherwise, they are considered vehicles and forfeit their rights as pedestrians in the case of an accident or citation.
  • Use marked bike paths or multi-use paths when available.
  • Use extra caution as you transition between bike paths, roads and sidewalks. Be aware that your actions are unpredictable to drivers and pedestrians.



  • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and at intersections.
  • Be prepared to stop at all marked crosswalks. Stay alert and reduce speed in areas with crosswalks.
  • Come to a complete stop if pedestrians are crossing or preparing to cross.
    Wait until pedestrians have crossed at least one lane past the lane you are in before resuming travel.
  • Never pass another vehicle that has stopped or is slowing down at a crosswalk.