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Tips for a safe Halloween

Having a safe and fun time during Halloween is easy if you have strategies to prevent anything from turning spooky or scary.

Go with a friend

It’s always safer to attend parties or outings with others you know and trust. Travel in pairs or groups. Let others know your destination and when to expect your return. Use a smartphone tracking app for safety. Many of these apps can track your location and send alerts to trusted contacts as you make your way to your destination.

Make a plan

Before attending an event or party, have a plan for who you are leaving with and how you are getting home. When using a ridesharing service:

  • Before getting in the car, check that the license plate, driver photo, and driver name all match what is listed in the app. Never get in a car with a driver who claims to be with Uber or another service and offers a ride.
  • Ask the driver, “Who are you here to pick up?” Let them tell you YOUR NAME before you enter the vehicle.
  • Be a good bystander. If you’re with someone requesting a ride with a rideshare app who may be impaired, help them double-check the driver and the car before they get in the vehicle.

Drink responsibly

If you are of legal drinking age and choose to drink, make sure you do so safely. Practice moderation and know what is in your drink. Never drive under the influence of alcohol or get a ride with someone who has been drinking.

Never leave your drink unattended

This is an excellent rule to follow any time, not just on Halloween. Take your drink with you everywhere you go, and don’t accept drinks from strangers.

Think ahead when planning your costume

Make sure your costume will keep you warm, and if you plan on walking a lot, avoid wearing shoes or costumes that will restrict your movement or vision. Stay visible when walking outside, and stay alert to your surroundings.

Don’t be spooked

Call or text Public Safety (585) 275-3333 if you see anything that concerns you, or pick up a Blue Light phone to reach us. The phone and text lines are monitored 24 hours a day.

The Public Safety website will continue to offer tips and information. Training and presentation sessions are also available.