
Translation Database

Three Percent was named after the oft-cited statistic (first established by Bowker) that only 3% of books published in the U.S. are translations. We suspected that 3% number was a little high, but we had no way of confirming our suspicions–there were no real records of the number of translations published from year to year.

So, we decided to keep track ourselves. By collecting as many catalogs as we can and asking publishers directly, we’ve managed to come up with a fairly accurate record of the books published in translation since January 1st, 2008. For the sake of our sanity, we’ve limited our data gathering to original translations of fiction and poetry published or distributed here in the United States. By “original,” we’re referring to titles that have never before appeared in English (at least not in the States). So new translations of classic titles aren’t included in our database, and neither are reprints of previously published books. Our focus is on identifying how many new books and new voices, are being made available to English-speaking readers.

If you’d like to see the list for yourself, you can download one of the spreadsheets below. In addition to a straight list of translated titles, these spreadsheets break this information down into publisher, language, country of origin, and publisher.

If you’re a translator, author, librarian, publishers, or reader, and know of a title that’s missing from the list, please e-mail Chad W. Post (chad.post at rochester dot edu) with the necessary information.

Translation Database by Chad W. Post, Three Percent at the University of Rochester is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Complete Translation Databases

To download the database, click on the link below