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Advising Handbook


Tutoring services of the University of Rochester:

***Please note: CCAS no longer coordinates the University Tutoring Program. Students who wish to request an individual tutor should contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)***

  1. The instructor and/or T.A. of the course is often available outside of class for additional help.
  2. Math Study Hall is effective for aid in specific problem solving of assignments and related questions. The study hall is staffed by math graduate students rotating on an hourly basis. The study hall is typically not heavily attended so students can expect individual attention. Students having trouble finding a tutor during study hall hours should contact the Department of Mathematics or check the updated schedule posted on the bulletin board on the 9th floor of Hylan.
  3. Student Physics Society. Primarily for help in 100-level mathematics, physics and astronomy courses. Tutoring is conducted by upperclassmen and is geared toward specific problem solving of assignments. No appointments necessary. Questions may be directed to the society at x5-8548 or the Department of Physics and Astronomy at x5-6679. Students may also stop by the Society’s office at 313 Bausch and Lomb Hall.
  4. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) offers the following kinds of study support:
    1. Study Groups can help students get the most out of their courses. Students work together during these informal course-specific meetings under the guidance of an older student who recently did well in the course. Each semester, CETL schedules a number of study groups, particularly for courses in BCS, BIO, CHM, MTH, and PHY, but the program also takes requests. If students would like a group that is not yet on the schedule, CETL works to establish a study group for that course. (It’s important that these requests are made early in the semester.)
    2. Study Skills Counseling helps students manage time better, prepare for tests more effectively, take better notes, and feel less stressed about keeping up with homework. Anyone who would like to get more out of his/her studies is welcome to be part of the study skills counseling program and Methods of Inquiry, the study skills course.
    3. More information about study groups and study skills support can be found at, by stopping by 1-154 Dewey Hall, or by calling X5-9049.
    4. Individual tutoring at no additional charge; students are urged to seek help early during the semester by stopping by 1-154 Dewey Hall.
  5. The Writing, Speaking, & Argument Program offers a wide variety of writing support services for undergraduate students of all levels and in all disciplines. Their office is staffed by professional tutors, graduate-student writing consultants and undergraduate writing fellows from the humanities, the social sciences and the natural and applied sciences. Writing consultants provide individualized feedback and assistance on all types of academic writing. They encourage students to use their services during any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming ideas to polishing a final draft. The Writing, Speaking, & Argument Center is located on the ground floor of Rush Rhees Library, RR G-121. For more information about face-to-face and online tutoring services they offer, please visit their website at or call 273-3584.
  6. The Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA) coordinates study services for minority students and for students in the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP). Academic assistance is offered in science, social science, mathematics, and humanities. Students seeking help should contact Walisa Griffin in OMSA at X5-0651.
  7. NROTC students may, in addition to the services listed here, seek help from their NROTC advisors, since their program does provide tutors for certain subjects.
  8. Tau Beta Pi is an Engineering Honor Society where engineering students can expect to receive homework help from members on a weekly basis. In turn, each Tau Beta Pi member is expected to tutor on a biweekly basis. Schedules will be posted online at the beginning of each semester.

Students are urged to seek help early during the semester. The evidence gathered by the coordinator clearly indicates better performance in courses for which tutoring was sought before midterm and continued to the end of the semester. This program is open to all undergraduate students in the College. Students enrolled in other schools at the University are welcome to use this service; however, all other students pay the flat rate. (The fee paid by College students is partially subsidized by the College.) New tutor requests are not accepted during the last two weeks of classes.

All questions should be directed to the tutoring program coordinator in the Center for Advising Services, x5-2354.