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Fall 2020
Foundation Courses
- ME 104: The Engineering of Bridges (TR, 940-1055)
- AHST 122: A Global History of Architecture ( TR 940-1055)
Core Courses
- ME 104: The Engineering of Bridges (TR, 940-1055)
- ATHS 186: Ritual and Religion in Archaeology
- PHIL 201: History of Ancient Philosophy (TR, 1400-1515)
- HIST 180: History of Technology (MW, 1815-1930)
- EESC 215: Seismology and Earth Structure (MW, 900-1015)
- ATHS 167M: Who Owns the Past? Archaeology, Museums and Politics in the 21st Century (MW, 1230- 1345)
- CLST 131: Ancient Cities (TR 1105- 1220)
- ATHS 210: History of Archaeological Thought (MW, 1230-1345)
Elective Courses
- ME 110: Introduction to CAD and Drawing (T, 1525-1640 OR R, 1525-1640)
- ME 120: Engineering Mechanics I (TR, 1650-1805)
- ME 121: Engineering Mechanics II (MW, 1400-1515)
- ME 225: Intro Fluid Dynamics (MWF, 900-950)
- ME 204: Mechanical Design (TR, 940-1055)
- ME 225: Introduction to Fluid Dynamics (MWF, 900-950)
- ME 254: Finite Elements Methods (MW, 1025-1140)
- SART 131: Introduction to Sculpture (MW, 1400-1640)
- LATN 102: Elementary Latin II (MWF, 1150-1240)
- CGRK 101: New Testament and Classical Greek I (MWF, 1025-1115)
- CGR 103: Intermediate Greek I (TBD)