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Voices & Opinion
March 28, 2019 | 02:31 pm

A national pastime must have a national presence

As the baseball season opens, the league is looking to change some rules to speed up the game. English lecturer and baseball authority Curt Smith presents his own five-point plan to save the sport he loves.

topics: Curt Smith, Department of English, featured-post-side,
Society & Culture
March 20, 2019 | 01:12 pm

Can we trust forensic evidence?

In the final lecture in this year’s Humanities Center series, UCLA law school dean Jennifer Mnookin discusses the troubling role faulty forensic science continues to play in the criminal justice system.

topics: events, Humanities Center,
Science & Technology
March 19, 2019 | 08:57 am

Saving the lost text of a Torah scroll

Professor Gregory Heyworth and his digital media students are using different wavelengths of light to reveal illegible text that could create a sacred, tangible link with Jewish congregations lost to the Holocaust.

topics: Department of English, Department of Religion and Classics, featured-post-side, Gregory Heyworth, Lazarus Project, Michela Andreatta, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
February 18, 2019 | 03:49 pm

Turning the gears of an early modern search engine

A collaboration between librarians and engineering students, the book wheel in Rossell Hope Robbins Library is a recreation of a 16th-century design, solving the problem of needing access to multiple books at the same time.

topics: Anna Siebach-Larsen, Department of English, Department of Rare Books Special Collections and Preservation, featured-post-side, Gregory Heyworth, Jessica Lacher-Feldman, Koller-Collins Center for English Studies, Middle Ages, River Campus Libraries, Rossell Hope Robbins Library, School of Arts and Sciences,
Voices & Opinion
January 29, 2019 | 10:46 am

Australia asks how best to tell a story of national beginnings

What makes for a good celebration of national origins? Professor of philosophy Randall Current recently discussed the issue on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as the controversy over Australia Day grows.

topics: Australia, Department of Philosophy, global engagement, Randall Curren, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
December 5, 2018 | 03:33 pm

What is belief in a secular age?

New books from Rochester scholars John Givens and John Michael examine the lives of iconic writers to ask what religious belief might look like in an age of science and secularism.

topics: book authors, Department of English, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, John Givens, John Michael, religion, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,