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Faculty Workshop Descriptions

Creating an Educational Experience 

This workshop will provide an introduction to course design for instructors. Organization and planning tools will be reviewed to assist faculty in preparing for the design and development of a course, individual lesson, or educational experience that includes digital and online components. Attendees will be guided through the first 3 steps of development and will leave the workshop with a clear understanding of the foundational structure of learning experience.

Presenters - Eric Fredericksen, Lisa Brown, and Andrew Wolf

Tools for Facilitating Interaction

This workshop identifies different uses of asynchronous communication tools in the University learning management system and how to apply them to encourage greater interaction with and among students. There will also be opportunities to explore the role of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google) as an educational tool. We will also explore the translation of common activities from a face-to-face classroom experience to the online classroom environment. 

Presenters - Lisa Brown, Michele Messenger, Tracy Cherry, and Eric Fredericksen  

 Tools for Creating Content

This workshop will review a number of online tools and applications that faculty can use to enhance engagement with students.  The session will include demonstration and application of select tools that faculty might consider in their own courses. 

Presenters - Eric Fredericksen, Lisa Brown, Jennifer Raynor, Kim Hoffman, Jim Farrington, Andrew Wolf, and Joe Gomulak-Cavicchio   

 Tools for Developing Assessments

There are a number of different types of assessment and feedback tools available in Blackboard, and many of them can be used in various ways in order to meet your teaching and learning objectives. Join us for this overview of tools in Blackboard that support student learning through both summative and formative assessment.

Presenters - Eric Fredericksen, Lisa Brown, and Andrew Wolf

Tools for Facilitating Synchronous Experiences 

This workshop will focus on the application of synchronous communication tools that faculty can use for multiple purposes including live online class sessions, remote speakers in face-to-face classroom courses, online office hours, and remote teaching when traveling. 

Presenters - Lisa Brown, Eric Fredericksen, and Joe Gomulak-Cavicchio

Ensuring a High-Quality Experience 

This final workshop in the series connects effective online course design with the national Quality Matters program and reviews best practices in online teaching. Examples of effective online teaching strategies are presented and discussed.

Presenters - Eric Fredericksen, Andrew Wolf, and Lisa Brown