University of Rochester

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Sept. 15, 2009

University Community Mourns Alumna's Death

To: The University Community
From: President Seligman

The University community is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Annie Le, a young alumna who was pursuing her dream of a career in biomedical research. Our hearts go out to her family and her many friends.

Every loss is difficult, especially when someone is young and full of promise as Annie was. Because her disappearance was known to so many in recent days through media reports, the loss of her unique gifts as a scholar and a warm and engaging person is a public one as well.

Annie earned a bachelor of science degree in cell and developmental biology with honors in 2007. She received an award from the biology department for her academic achievements and a College Leadership award. She was recognized with a National Institutes of Health fellowship as an undergraduate and worked at the University of Rochester Medical Center investigating the molecular basis of osteoarthritis. She was pursuing a doctoral degree in pharmacology at Yale University at the time of her death.

All of us will do everything that we can to support Annie’s family and friends in the days ahead.

Members of the University community who would like to use support services are encouraged to make these contacts:

24 hours a day:
University Counseling Center: 275-3113
Employee Assistance Program: 475-0432
University Security Services: 275-3333 or x13 (useful resource for emergency contact with all offices on campus)

Monday through Friday:
Residential Life: 275-3166
College Dean of Students: 275-4085
Eastman School Office of Student Life: 274-1106
Interfaith Chapel: 275-4321

Cards, flowers, or other expressions of sympathy may be sent to:
Green Valley Mortuary
3004 Alexandrite Road
Rescue, CA 95672