Virtual Workshop
This collection of lectures is drawn from the UP IPM sessions devoted to teaching popular music in the schools.
"Popular Music-Based Composition Starters for Your Classroom
Matt Warren (Webster Central School District, New York)
“But How Is This Supposed to Work? Practical Applications of Popular Musicianship in the Classroom”
Dr. Ann Marie Stanley (Eastman School of Music) and Dr. Dan Isbell (Ithaca College)
“Student-Led Assessment in a High School Guitar Classroom”
Michael Albertson (Teachers College, Columbia University)
“The Promise and Perils of Online Learning, or Can You Really Teach 40,000 Students At Once?”
Dr. John Covach (University of Rochester)
"America, 1964: The Year in Music, History, and Culture"
Dan Newsom (Boston University)
“Teaching and Assessing Creativity”
Richard McCready (Howard County School District, Maryland)