In Review
KENNEDY CENTER HonoreesStudent Composition
CONCERT ORDER: How do you get to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts? For Eastman students (this page, left
to right) pianist Zhang Zuo ’10E, saxophonist and graduate student Doug O’Connor, percussionist Tomasz Arnold ’13E, and (opposite
page) soprano and graduate student Rebecca Farley (seated), and her accompanists Markiyan Melnychenko (violin) and Lyndon
Meyer (piano), the answer comes with one of the nation’s select honors for music students. Zuo, O’Connor, Arnold, and Farley
were among a handful of talented artists chosen to give individual performances during this spring’s Conservatory Project,
a semiannual showcase of the nation’s top music schools. How do you get a photo of six busy music students during recital
week? In this case, the answer is to take more than one photo and merge them into a composite image that seems to show the
students all together in Eastman’s Ranlet Lounge. (Photos: Adam Fentser)