University of Rochester

Rochester Review
2010 Student Study Abroad Photo Contest

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Rochester Review's 2016 Study Abroad Photo Contest Terms and Conditions

1. Eligibility

The contest is open to all University of Rochester undergraduates who took part in a study abroad program accredited by the University of Rochester's Office of Study Abroad and Interdepartmental Programs between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2015. Students must have been registered as full-time students in good standing of the University at the time they were studying abroad in a program based outside the United States, its territories, and protectorates. Photos must have been taken while the student was abroad during the contest period.

Each entrant must complete an entry form that includes the entrant's name, telephone number, email address, class year, major, hometown, study abroad program, and a brief caption describing each photo.

Each entrant must agree to all the rules for the contest outlined here.

2. Categories

Students may enter their photos in three categories: 1) People; 2) Culture; 3) Physical World (either natural or architectural). Students may enter more than one category but are limited to no more than two (2) images in any one category for a total of six (6) images in one contest. Images may be entered at different times during the contest period.

To be entered in the contest, photos must be uploaded to the contest's website and must meet the contest's technical requirements (see "Technical Requirements.")

3. Rights

By entering the contest, each entrant acknowledges that the photos are the creative work of the submitting student, that the rights to the photos are owned by the submitting student, and that the submitted photos do not violate copyright, fair use, or other commonly accepted guidelines for producing or reproducing creative work.

Each entering student grants the University the right to reproduce the entrant's images and publish the entrant's name, class year, major, and hometown in Rochester Review, on an accompanying website about the contest, in photographic exhibitions on campus, and in University-produced materials about the contest and other promotional materials produced by the University and its representatives. The copyright for the images remains with the student.

Rochester Review reserves the right not to publish any entry.

4. Technical Requirements

Images submitted for the contest must be in the jpeg (.jpg) format. No image may be larger than 5 MB and each image must be at least 1,600 pixels on the longer axis. Images must be uploaded through the contest's website in order to be eligible.

5. Judging

A panel including University faculty, staff, and students, along with a non-University professional will judge the contest. Images will be evaluated on their creativity and on their photographic quality. Out of all entries, the judges will select a winner for each category. A grand prize also will be awarded. In the event of a tie among the judges, the editorial staff of Rochester Review will select the winners.

6. Awards

Awards will be presented to the winners in each of the three categories. No single entrant is eligible for more than one (1) prize in each category. A grand prize also will be awarded. A winner of a particular category may also win the grand prize. No entrant can win more than three (3) awards in any single contest.

7. Deadline

Photos must be submitted through the contest's website by midnight March 1, 2016. Images will only be accepted through the contest's website at