Conflict of Interest

Evaluations and Educational Experiences with Student Relatives

To avoid the appearance of favoritism that may result when students engage in formal educational experiences with relatives, and to ensure that students are treated fairly, the following procedures must be followed.

Note: For the purposes of this policy, a relative is considered to be anyone with whom the faculty member has a close, personal relationship, such as a spouse or partner, child or grandchild, parent or grandparent, sibling, or a spouse, partner, or child of any of the foregoing.

Credit-Bearing Classes

Faculty can teach relatives in their classes. In such instances, another faculty member must grade the papers/exams and assign a final grade for the course. The instructor and the chair of the department will determine the identity of the other faculty member.

Teaching Assistants

Students are not permitted to TA for a faculty relative’s course. Students are permitted to TA for classes in which a relative is a student, but this relationship must be made clear to the instructor of the course so that duties may be appropriately assigned to ensure the TA does not evaluate the student relative.


Students are not permitted to conduct research for credit under the direct or indirect supervision of a faculty relative.* 

*Students who are employees are covered under the following University policy.

Formal Evaluations

Faculty cannot be involved in any formal evaluation of a relative. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Admissions
  • Progress evaluations
  • Honors or thesis committees
  • Selection of the student for any departmental, College, or University awards

Other Conflicts of Interest

A faculty member or other institutional official must recuse him/herself from any discussion or vote relating to a matter where there is a potential for or the existence or appearance of a conflict of interest and will state publicly that there is a personal conflict.

Bias in Evaluations Due to Relationships

We expect both faculty and students to avoid situations where a faculty/student personal or family relationship could bias evaluations or teaching situations, or could create the appearance of bias. In case of doubt about such a situation:

  • Undergraduate students should contact the dean of the College
  • Graduate students should contact their director of graduate studies
  • Faculty members should contact his or her department chair

Those persons have the authority to decide whether there is a conflict or appearance of one, and how the situation will be managed. The decision may be appealed to the dean of the Hajim School of Engineering or the dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, as appropriate.

The University views this issue as a matter of professionalism, and all suspected violations of this policy will be reviewed by the dean of the faculty or the dean’s delegate.