Recent News
In Solidarity with Ukraine
March 17, 2022
The University of Rochester stands in solidarity with Ukraine and the Center for Education Abroad shares our great concern for all students and families affected by recent events in Ukraine. The University’s full statement by President Sarah C. Mangelsdorf can be read here.
In the continued support of students currently abroad, the Center for Education Abroad is monitoring the situation closely and carefully tracking potential impacts to the locations of our travelers. At this time, we do not see indications that the conflict will impact safety and security at your study abroad location. To help ensure your continued safety:
- Do not travel to Ukraine.
- Do not travel to regions of nearby countries that directly border Ukraine.
- Avoid planning personal travel to eastern Europe due to the potential for travel disruptions and the uncertainties of the situation.
As a reminder, there are important steps all travelers should take to ensure continued awareness of important international events and to ensure your safety and preparedness during your time abroad. Please review the reminders below.
- Sign up for email alerts from US State Department’s Smart Travel Enrollment Program (STEP)
- Ensure that you have downloaded the UR Global Travel contact card:
- Review the services and assistance available to you through UR, including travel assistance, insurance, and security information, detailed on our webpage:
- Monitor local and international media for breaking updates.
As always, please monitor your email for any updates from our office and/or your host institution. The Center for Education Abroad is here to support you. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns about this or any other health, safety, or security concern.