Lost in Translation Reading Challenge
Here’s another challenge I can get on board with:
The reading challenge is simple. Read six books in translation over the course of the year. If you post about your selection, comment here on the most recent post with a link so that we can all benefit from your experience and insights or email me and I will either post a link or copy you in as a guest blogger. Check back frequently to read suggestions and reviews. Want to participate? Email Frances of Nonsuch Book at francesevangelista@yahoo.com to be added to participants. Please type “Lost in Translation” in the subject line and include your link info.
Right now, the Lost in Translation blog has a series of possibilities of titles participants could read, ranging from NYRB classics to Jose Saramago’s Blindness to Bolano’s 2666 and Muriel Barbery’s The Elegance of the Hedgehog (both of which are on the Best Translated Book of 2008 longlist).
Since Open Letter only publishes translations, all of our books are eligible for this challenge. So, as a special offer, if you order any of our books for this challenge, and e-mail me at chad.post at rochester dot edu about your participation in the challenge, we’ll refund you the entire shipping cost. (And yes, this free shipping offer also applies if you order a six month subscription and are participating in the challenge.)
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