2013 BTBA Poetry [Panelists and Info for Submitting]
This is a long time in coming, but here’s the list of the poetry judges for this year’s Best Translated Book Award:
- Brandon Holmquest, poet, translator, editor of CALQUE
- Jennifer Kronovet, poet and translator
- John Marshall, owner, Open Books: A Poem Emporium
- Erica Mena-Landry, poet and translator
- Idra Novey, poet, translator
- Kevin Prufer, poet, academic, essayist, and co-editor of New European Poets
- Russell Valentino, academic, translator, director of Autumn Hill Books and The Iowa Review.
To have a book considered for this year’s award, the first ever translation of this work must have come out between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012. No new translations are eligible. (For example, a new Duino Elegies isn’t eligible because English readers had access to a translation of this in the past. Hopefully this makes sense . . .)
Click here for a PDF with the names and mailing addresses of all the Poetry judges (and me, since it’s good for us to have a copy of everything on hand, just in case).
Finally, the “Due Date” for submissions is JANUARY 31, 2013. Not that far away, but time enough to get these out to everyone.
Also, if you would rather submit books as PDFs, just email me at chad.post [at] rochester.edu and I can send you the email addresses for the poetry judges.
Thanks! And good luck!
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