Ami Rubinowitz Israel (see ’91).
Charles Spiess writes that he is a corporate partner at a Stamford, Conn., based law firm and that he and his wife, Greta, live in Old Greenwich, Conn., with their three boys, Myles, 5, Hunter, 2, and Tucker, 2. This will be the couple’s third year competing in triathlons, and their goal is to compete in an Ironman before the end of next year. . . . Susi Rubinowitz Sur and Scott Sur announce the birth of their son Andrew (Drew) George Sur in August 2008. He joins cousins Rob and Josh, the children of Ami Rubinowitz Israel ’90, and Allison and Matthew, the children of David Rubinowitz ’89.
Paul Greene has joined Harter Secrest & Emery’s trial group in Rochester as an associate. Paul’s practice includes work in commercial litigation before state and federal courts, bankruptcy, trademark, copyright, employment and securities arbitrations, class-action practice, Federal Tort Claims Act actions, and antitrust. He lives in Honeoye Falls. . . . Eben and Kristin Lewis Norfleet ’96 send an update. Kristin has been named a partner at the law firm of Smith, Sovik, Kendrick & Sugnet in Syracuse. Eben has been appointed a New York State Family Court Magistrate in Oswego County.
Philip Kusnetz is practicing matrimonial and family law on Long Island, N.Y.
Richard Butler is a contributing author to Transforming Defense Capabilities: New Approaches for International Security (Lynne Rienner Publishing, 2009). Rich attended Rochester through an NROTC scholarship, graduated, and was commissioned in 1995. In 2007, following 10 years of sea duty, he graduated from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif., with a master’s degree in national security affairs. He’s on a joint assignment with the U.S. Army. . . . Ray McKenzie opened his own law office, Raymond T. McKenzie, Esq., in Gaithersburg, Md. Ray focuses on corporate and franchise law, civil and commercial litigation, and estate planning.
Kristin Lewis Norfleet (see ’92).
Caurie Miner Putnam ’98 (MS) writes, “I wanted to share that two of my photos were recently published in the book Capture Rochester, published by the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. One of the photos selected is of my son Brice sitting in one of the circular windows between Rush Rhees and Wilson Commons. There were approximately 25,000 photos of Rochester people and places submitted for the book and about 400 chosen for publication. Photography is a newfound passion of mine that I got interested in while working as a reporter for a short-staffed newspaper. I had to do a lot of my own photography and fell in love with it.”
Phyllis Quartey sends a photo and an update. In June 2008, she married Kelvin Ampofo, a graduate of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, in Greenbelt, Md. Phyllis is a program analyst at the National Institutes of Health. The couple lives in Columbia, Md.