portraits of four professors.
February 11, 2020

Rochester scientists receive NSF CAREER awards

The National Science Foundation has granted its most prestigious award in support of junior faculty, the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award, to several University of Rochester researchers this year.

John Nichol and two PhD students smile for a photo in his lab.
September 25, 2019

One small step for electrons, one giant leap for quantum computers

Quantum computing has revolutionary potential, but transferring information within a quantum system remains a challenge. By transferring the state of electrons, Rochester research brings scientists one step closer to creating fully functional quantum computers.

four test tubes side by side, containing a graphene substance of different colors
July 10, 2019

Will your future computer be made using bacteria?

Graphene is a revolutionary nanomaterial, the discovery of which led to a Nobel Prize. By mixing graphite with bacteria, Rochester scientists are making graphene easier and more environmentally friendly to produce, paving the way for future products and applications.

Artist’s rendering of 2D materials undergoing phase change using a transistor-scale platform.
June 10, 2019

Researchers ‘stretch’ the ability of 2D materials to change technology

Moore’s Law predicts that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit will double every two years. As technology nears the limits of Moore’s Law, Rochester researchers have combined 2D materials with oxide materials in a new way, with new possibilities for computing power.