
Undergraduates can choose to complete a minor in addition to a major. Students in the College may declare one or more minors in conjunction with either a single or double major.

Students should consult the Undergraduate Bulletin, read the department’s offerings on the web, and formulate a rough idea of the courses needed to complete a minor. The student should then make an appointment with the departmental minor adviser to complete plans and gain acceptance. Students may not elect the S/F option for courses submitted for the minor, and must earn at least a 2.0 average for these courses. No major and minor may overlap by more than two courses; no two minors may overlap by more than two courses.

The names of departmental minor advisers and the “Approval Form for Majors and Minors” may be obtained at the Lattimore counter. The student files the approved program with the Center for Academic Support (or Hajim School’s Dean’s Office). Students submit the “Overlap Declaration Form for Majors and Minors” along with the approved Minor form.

Students cannot normally receive a minor in the department in which he or she receives a major. This rule has been waived for certain departments, including English and modern languages and cultures. Students cannot declare a minor until they have been accepted into a major. It is expected that students will declare the minor by the end of the first semester of the senior year.

Use our academic search tool to view a list of minors either alphabetically or by division.