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Health Professions Advising at U of R

Cathy Tempest, director of Health Professions Advising

Each year, about half of the incoming class identifies themselves as being interested in the health professions. For your student, this might mean medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy or even public health.

The Health Professions Advising Office is here to support your student as s/he explores the variety of health professions that exist, plans his/her academic program, obtains meaningful clinical and research experience, and prepares for the application process. While this can be an overwhelming and complex process, our health professions advisers, in collaboration with colleagues from the College Center for Advising Services and the Gwen M. Greene Career and Internship Center, among others, are here to inform, advise, counsel and coach students along their individual journey.

The Health Professions Advising office has many opportunities for students to participate in and I encourage you to share these with your student. Included are::

More information on these, along with many other resources, can be found at:

I am personally excited to welcome the Class of 2018 and to once again, see campus “a buzz” with students!