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Including Parents in Conversations about Alcohol

Concerns over college students’ use of alcohol is certainly not new. For decades college administrators have developed strategies and programs to help students recognize and avoid the harmful consequences that result from high risk drinking. We have disciplined. We have counseled. We have educated. We have made significant progress, but we believe that we can do more-with you as our partner.

Several recent studies have stated that when it comes to the topic of student use of alcohol the person most likely to influence behavior is you, the parent. These studies confirm the University’s belief that students, parents, and the University are partners with responsibilities for the promotion of a healthy and positive educational community. We believe that students benefit from discussions with you about the effects of alcohol on their educational experience and invite you to start these conversations now, before the beginning of the academic year.

We understand that it may be difficult to begin to talk to you student about alcohol. You may want to start by discussing what your family’s beliefs and values are regarding alcohol or by asking your student about why they may be motivated to drink at college. It may also be useful for you to share your expectations about choices regarding drinking and talk through some practical strategies that your student can use to refuse a drink. Here are some great tips on how to start these alcohol conversations.

Beginning these conversations is important. Continuing them after your student arrives at college, especially during the first six weeks of school, is imperative. With this in mind the Office of the Dean of Students is implementing a new program to help support communication between parents and students who misuse alcohol. Beginning in the Fall 2009 semester parents of students who are under the age of 21 and have been involved in some violations of the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy will be contacted by the Office of the Dean of Students.

We believe that this partnership is an essential component of our strategy to help students make safer choices around alcohol use. We also understand that some students, and parents, may see this partnership as intrusive. After all, from the moment students join our community we tell them that they are entering adulthood and are charged with all of the freedoms and responsibilities that accompany it.

It is, however, sometimes difficult to balance the principle of freedom with the principle of responsibility, especially for young adults. We believe that our practice of notifying parents only when a significant violation or several lower level violations have occurred reflects our desire to support student independence while simultaneously providing a high level of care for those students who may need more support. Also consistent with our desire to help students live within the principle of responsibility we will encourage students to contact their parent(s) prior to the University’s notification. For more information about the parental notification program, contact Morgan Levy, Assistant Dean of Students at

You can view the University’s alcohol policy online.