University of Rochester

Rochester Review
January-February 2010
Vol. 72, No. 3

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Letters to the Editor

A Salute to Kodak Hall

I can only speak for myself as an Eastman School alumna, but my fellow alumni must be as proud as I about the November-December cover of Rochester Review, featuring Douglas Lowry, dean of the Eastman School, in the newly opened Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre with his composition Geo.

His wondrously celebratory composition was played at the opening concert of the new hall to great acclaim and was a fitting tribute to the man who made all this possible. With the magnificent philanthropy of the Eastman Kodak Co., the University, and many others, Rochester now has a world-class hall of which we can all be proud.

Beatrice Caro Roxin ’44E

Many thanks for the coverage of the new Kodak Hall. It made me want to see it in person.

I worked in the check room for many concerts, and although I’m now 86 I could still do it. (How we hated those wet sloppy nights when we had to accept the galoshes!)

Every once in awhile we would sneak in from the hall and watch a rehearsal of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of José Iturbi, and then hide down below the seat.

Thanks again for making this a memorable moment. I hope I can see the real hall next year.

Charlotte Stuckel Lenkowsky ’44E
Bronxville, N.Y.

A Comment on Libya

The article appropriately noting the appointment of a Rochester alumnus as ambassador to Libya was excellent (“Libya’s Patient Partner,” Alumni Gazette), except for the suggestion that the nation’s dictator merely renounced his nuclear operations.

The fact is that in spite of his admitted criminal activity related to the Lockerbie disaster, he was embraced by the president of the United States and the United Nations. That history should not go unreported in a fine journal like yours.

Joseph Honick
Bainbridge Island, Wash.

Honick, the president of GMA International in Tucson, Ariz., is a member of the Simon School’s Executive Advisory Committee.

A Track Correction

I enjoyed the article “Track Record” (In Review, November-December) regarding Melissa Skevington ’10 and Jacob Gardner ’10. But a correction is in order.

Melissa, known as “Missy” when she lived in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., attended the Emma Willard School in Troy, N.Y.

While I did not have Missy in my American history class at Emma, I verified these facts by contacting Ruth Burday, daughter of S. Zane Burday ’57, ’61M (MD). Missy was well-known on campus for her athletic accomplishments, according to Ruth.

It appears Missy is an accomplished academician as well. More power to her as she takes advantage of the opportunities at the U of R in a most challenging and relevant field of study.

Marilyn Johnson Burday ’59
Keene, N.H.

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