
About the Babies . . .
What a cute, bright-eyed baby on the September-October cover!
I date back to the Class of 1948, but I enjoy reading Review and seeing pictures of all the weddings and babies. I don’t understand all the bridesmaids wearing black but it seems to be very popular these days. I haven’t been back to Rochester since the 1960s so it’s interesting to learn of the changes that have taken place at the U of R and in the city.
Janet Leininger Onkey ’48
Huntsville, Ala.
. . . and the Architects . . .
Very cute child on your cover. Opening the magazine, I even found a short item identifying him, naming his parents, describing the process of selecting him, and, oh my, a weblink where I could see more baby pictures.
Then into the issue, I discovered whole articles about new buildings on the River Campus (“A Campus on the Move”). Since I am an architect, having gone on from the U of R to Columbia University to study and enter the profession, I was drawn to these stories (right after reading about the baby, of course.) But to my dismay I found not a mention of the architect for these buildings or the process of selection of that architect. Or even, for that matter, anything about why the buildings are being built where they are shown.
Is there a value system at work here? Yes, and those values are clear—humanities, yes; medicine, yes; culture, no. It was thus when I attended, and apparently it will never change. Who suffers from the default use of this value system? You do, and it affects you every single day.
James Hadley ’62
Orleans, Mass.
I am pleased to see the coverage given to new campus buildings and improvements (September-October).
Credit should be given to the architects for their contributions to the programming and vision to create structures that fulfill their intended uses and places. This is especially true when a picture is captioned “architect’s rendering.”
Andrew Robinson ’71
Orange, Conn.
. . . and the Arboretum
“Tree-Lined Campus” (July-August) was of great personal interest to me. To add some little known information about an alumnus connection, my late husband, Frederick I. Price, Class of 1938, was the son of Frederick W. Price, Class of 1911. Whenever we visited the campus in good weather, my husband would examine the flourishing condition of the Quadrangle landscape, and comment with pride on his father’s role in designing the arrangements and his participation in its execution. That was in preparation for the opening of the River Campus to the College for Men in 1930.
A nurseryman of some prominence in the community, Frederick W. Price sadly succumbed to a ruptured appendix at Strong Memorial Hospital on March 22, 1932, his son’s 16th birthday. His part in helping to establish the green environment so much enjoyed today is, I feel, a fitting addition to your article on the arboretum.
Lillian Price ’56 (MS)
Pittsford, N.Y.
Department of Corrections In a story on Rear Admiral Gretchen Specht Her
bert’s appointment as the new commander of the Navy’s Cyber Forces (“Cyber Warrior,” Alumni Gazette) in the September-October issue, we misspelled her maiden name. We apologize for the error.
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