Confidential Help
The academic honesty liaison offers counseling and educates the School of Arts & Sciences and the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences communities about academic honesty.
Tips & Pitfalls
Learn how to practice academic honesty when completing exams, papers, group projects and more, and avoid common pitfalls associated with dishonest behavior.
Instructor Responsibilities
Faculty and instructors have an obligation to help prevent and report academic dishonesty while modeling integrity in their own practices.

Featured Resource
Take an academic honesty quiz
Test your knowledge of the College’s academic honesty policy by taking our academic honesty quizzes. Think you’ve got the process down? Try this quiz about the policy and board procedures. Or see how you score on the Is this dishonest? quiz, which covers sticky academic honesty situations. Finally, explore how academic honesty expectations apply to use of online learning tools (such as generative artificial intelligence) with our honesty with online learning tools quiz.