Participating Faculty

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Zhen Bai

Bai, Zhen

Biggar Family Fellow in Data Science, Goergen Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3007 Wegmans Hall
(585) 275-7758
Web Address

Interests: Human-Computer Interaction; Augmented Reality; Tangible User Interfaces; Embodied Conversational Agent; Technology-Enhanced Learning; Computer-Supported Collaborative Work; Assistive Technology; Machine Learning for HCI

Mark Bocko

Bocko, Mark

Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Director, Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences (CEIS)

Office Location
709 Computer Studies Building
(585) 275-4879

Interests: Audio and acoustic signal processing; Computer audition; Sensors and transducers

Thomas G. Brown

Brown, Thomas G.

Mercer Brugler Distinguished Teaching Professor

Professor of Optics

Director, Institute of Optics

Office Location
113 Wilmot Building
(585) 275-7816

Interests: Polarization Microscopy; Freeform Optical Metrology; Photonic Integrated Circuits


Laurel H. Carney

Carney, Laurel H.

Marylou Ingram Professor in Biomedical Engineering

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Professor of Neuroscience

Office Location
5-6438 Medical Center
(585) 276-3948
Web Address

Interests: Auditory neuroscience; neurophysiological behavioral, and computational studies of hearing; signal processing for hearing aids

Mujdat Cetin

Cetin, Mujdat

Robin and Tim Wentworth Director, Goergen Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Professor of Computer Science

Director, New York State Center of Excellence in Data Science

Office Location
1211 Wegmans Hall and 719 Computer Studies Building
(585) 276-5061

Interests: computational sensing and imaging as applied to radar and biomedical imaging; probabilistic methods for image and video analysis as applied to biomedical image analysis, microscopic neuroimaging, and computer vision; signal processing and machine learning for brain-computer/machine interfaces, with applications for alternative communication and rehabilitation for patients and monitoring of cognitive states


Greg DeAngelis

DeAngelis, Greg

George Eastman Professor

Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences

Professor of Neuroscience

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Professor in the Center for Visual Science

Office Location
321 Meliora Hall
(585) 275-8677

Interests: 3D vision and navigation; Multisensory integration; Neural coding; Decision-making

Profile Picture

Dewhurst, Stephen

Vice President for Research, University of Rochester

Office Location
601 Elmwood Ave., Box 672
(585) 275-2708

Interests: Influenza Viruses; Virus Polymerase HIV Vaccine Development; NeuroAIDS Research

Zhiyao Duan

Duan, Zhiyao

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and of Computer Science

Office Location
720 Computer Studies Building
(585) 275-5302
Web Address

Interests: Computer Audition; Audio Signal Processing; Machine Learning; Music Information Retrieval

Sandhya Dwarkadas

Dwarkadas, Sandhya

Visiting Research Professor of Computer Science

Web Address

Interests: Parallel and distributed computing; Computer architecture and networks; Interaction and interface between the compiler, runtime system, and underlying architecture; Software distributed shared memory; Integrated compiler and runtime support for parallelism; Simulation methodology; Uniprocessor and multiprocessor architectures; Parallel applications development; Performance evaluation


Headshot of John Foxe.

Foxe, John

Professor, Center for Visual Science

Kilian J. and Caroline F. Schmitt Professorship, Neuroscience

Director, Ernest J. Del Monte Neuromedicine Institute

Chair, Department of Neuroscience

Office Location
G-9602 MC
(585) 273-4586


Sarah Higley

Higley, Sarah L


Office Location
411 Morey Hall
(585) 275-9261

Interests: Medieval vernacular languages and literature of Northern Europe and their interchanges; Film and media studies; Teratology (the study of the monstrous); Ecocriticism

Ehsan Hoque

Hoque, Ehsan

Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3013 Wegmans Hall
(585) 275-1351
Web Address

Interests: Human Computer Interaction; Artificial Intelligence ; Interactive machine learning; Health and wellbeing; Future of skills

Thomas M. Howard

Howard, Thomas M.

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location
732 Computer Studies Building
(585) 275-3755

Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Robotics; Motion Planning; Human-Robot Interaction

Krystel Huxlin

Huxlin, Krystel

Professor, Ophthalmology, Neuroscience, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Center for Visual Science

James V. Aquavella Professor, Ophthalmology

URMC Ombudsperson

Associate Director, Center for Visual Science

Office Location
2-6728 Medical Center
(585) 275-5495
Web Address

Interests: Improving vision after damage


Robert Jacobs

Jacobs, Robert A.

Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, and the Center for Visual Science

Office Location
306 Meliora Hall
(585) 275-0753
Web Address

Interests: cognitive and perceptual learning; neural computation

Michael Jarvis Headshot

Jarvis, Michael J.

Professor of History

Director of the Digital Elmina Project; Director of Smiths Island Archaeology Project

Office Location
455 Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-4558
Web Address

Interests: Public History and Museum Studies; Early American and Atlantic History 1450-1850 (Transnational); Material Culture and Historical Archaeology (Transnational); Digital History



Profile photo

Lalor, Edmund

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Associate Professor of Neuroscience

Office Location
2.B203A Center for Advanced Brain Imaging and Neurophysiology (CABIN), Medical Annex Building
(585) 275-3077
Web Address

Interests: Human sensory neurophysiology, brain-computer interfacing, computational neuroscience, neural encoding of natural sounds, sensory processing in psychiatric and developmental disorders

Ming-Lun Lee

Lee, Ming-Lun

Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering (Instructional Faculty)

Office Location
620 Computer Studies Building
(585) 275-2120

Interests: Audio Programming; Programming for Interactive Multi-media Performance; Audio Preservation ; The Computational Analysis of Musical Performances and Recordings; Benjamin Britten’s Recorded Legacy; The Art of Classical Recording Production

Feng Vankee Lin

Lin, Feng Vankee

Associate Professor, Nursing, Psychiatry, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and Neuroscience

Office Location
2w128 Helen Wood Hall
(585) 276-6002
Web Address
Jiebo Luo

Luo, Jiebo

Albert Arendt Hopeman Professor of Engineering

Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3101 Wegmans Hall
(585) 276-5784
Web Address

Interests: Computer Vision; Machine learning; Data Mining; Social Media; Biomedical Informatics; Human Computer Interaction; Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing


Ross Maddox

Maddox, Ross

Visiting Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Web Address

Interests: Auditory neuroscience; Auditory brainstem response; Audio-visual integration; Selective attention; Audiologic diagnosis

Jude Mitchell

Mitchell, Jude

Associate Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences

Office Location
307 Meliora Hall
Web Address

Interests: How spatial attention alters statistics of neuronal spiking; Extracellular classification of neuronal types in awake animals; Systems identification models of sensory processing and attention; Network models of spiking neurons and correlations in firing; Human psychophysics in object-based attention, recognition, and perceptual learning

Duncan T. Moore

Moore, Duncan T.

Rudolf and Hilda Kingslake Professor Emeritus in Optical Engineering Science

Professor Emeritus

Office Location
409A Goergen Hall
(585) 275-5248
Web Address

Interests: Optical Engineering; Lens Design & Manufacturing; Gradient-Index Optics

Faculty Profile Image

Mort, Brendan

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Research

Director of the Center for Integrated Research and Computing

Office Location
1215 Wegmans
(585) 275-8289

Interests: High performance computing; application of computing technology to chemistry and biology; computational chemistry algorithm development; molecular dynamics simulations, electronic structure theory


Photo of Randal C. Nelson

Nelson, Randal C.

Professor in Memoriam

Web Address

Interests: Machine vision and robotics; Object recognition and learning representations at the interface between feature-based and appearance-based approaches; Vision for manipulation and hand-eye coordination; Motion recognition and analysis, and visual navigation


Sreepathi Pai

Pai, Sreepathi

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3409 Wegmans Hall
(585) 276-2391
Web Address

Interests: Compilers; Heterogeneous Architectures; GPU algorithms; Performance Modeling

Tania Pasternak

Pasternak, Tatiana

Professor Emeritus, Neuroscience, Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Center for Visual Science

Renato Perucchio

Perucchio, Renato

Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Program Director, Archaeology, Technology, and Historical Structures

Office Location
236 and 415 Hopeman
(585) 275-4071

Interests: Computational solid and structural mechanics; Engineering practices in Classical Antiquity


Jannick Rolland

Rolland, Jannick

Brian J. Thompson Professor of Optical Engineering

Professor of Optics

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Professor in the Center for Visual Science

Director, NSF/IUCRC: Center for Freeform Optics

Director, R.E. Hopkins Center for Optical Design and Engineering

Office Location
505 Goergen Hall
(585) 752-1013
Web Address

Interests: Optical Aberration Theory; Freeform Optics; Metasurfaces; Metaform; Optical System Design; Optical Metrology; Illumination; Instrumentation and System Engineering; Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT); Optical Coherence Elastography (OCE); Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR); Head-Worn Displays; Heads-up Displays

Joan Rubin Headshot

Rubin, Joan S.

Dexter Perkins Professor in History

Professor of History

Office Location
363 Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-9347

Interests: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century American Cultural and Intellectual History; The History of the Book


Marc Schieber

Schieber, Marc

Professor, Neurology, Neuroscience, Center for Visual Science

Office Location
6-8537 Medical Center
Web Address

Interests: Neural control of hand and finger movements

Gaurav Sharma

Sharma, Gaurav

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Professor of Computer Science

Professor of Biostatistics and Computational Biology

Office Location
725 Computer Studies Building
(585) 275-7313
Web Address

Interests: Data Analytics; Cyber Physical Systems; Signal and Image Processing; Computer Vision; Media Security; Communications


Duje Tadin

Tadin, Duje

Professor, Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Ophthalmology, Neuroscience, Center for Visual Science

Interim Dean, School of Arts & Sciences

Director of Training, Center for Visual Science

Office Location
310 Meliora Hall
(585) 275-8682
Web Address

Interests: neural mechanisms of visual perception

Profile photo

Tenhaeff, Wyatt E.

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering

Office Location
4403 Wegmans Hall
(585) 275-5080
Web Address

Interests: Electrochemical Energy Storage; Solid State and Lithium Metal Batteries; Polymer Thin Films, Interfaces and Thin Film Synthesis and Characterization; Vacuum Deposition Processing


Nick Vamivakas

Vamivakas, Nickolas A.

Marie C. Wilson and Joseph C. Wilson Professor of Optical Physics

Professor of Optics

Professor of Physics

Dean of Graduate Education and Post-Doctoral Affairs

Office Location
101 Wilmot Annex
(585) 275-2089
Web Address

Interests: Quantum Optics; Quantum Physics




Yukang Yan

Yan, Yukang

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3103 Wegmans Hall
Web Address

Interests: Human-Computer Interaction; Human Behavior Modeling; Virtual/Augmented Reality

Headshot of Geunyoung Yoon.

Yoon, Geunyoung

Professor Ophthalmology, Biomedical Engineering, Center for Visual Science, Optics

Office Location
G-3182 MC
(585) 273-4998

Interests: Supernormal vision


Yuhao Zhu

Zhu, Yuhao

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Office Location
3501 Wegmans Hall
Web Address

Interests: Computer Systems and Architecture; Computer Imaging and Graphics; Augmented/Virtual Reality; Human (Visual) Perception and Cognition; Computational Art, Art History, and Aesthetics