Transferring out of the University of Rochester

Students who are thinking about transferring out of the University should discuss their plans with an advisor in the College Center for Advising Services (CCAS). Information and referrals from CCAS may be given in an attempt to facilitate the transfer, or to resolve problems at Rochester that may have prompted a desire to transfer.

Dean’s Signature/Approval

The College Center for Advising Services can assist students with the transfer process by providing a recommendation from the dean of the College when transferring to another university. Students must submit the Student Request for Dean’s Signature/Approval along with any forms that require information about your academic standing and academic and disciplinary records. If you are submitting a “College Report,” the student information portion of the form should be completed, signed, scanned, and returned to CCAS. Students should also clearly indicate the recipient’s name and email. Please ask your receiving institution if additional electronic forms requiring your information are needed, in addition to documentation we provide. If you have questions about the Student Request for Dean’s Signature/Approval form, please email Qiana Hopkins at

Requesting an Official Transcript

Please use the registrar’s website to request an official transcript.

Advisor Approval/Meeting

Once a student has made the decision to transfer to another college, the student should visit CCAS to discuss their plans with an advisor and must complete a Universal Change of Status Form. We also encourage all students who transfer to complete an online exit survey. This information is helpful in better understanding the circumstances that lead students to transfer.

International students will need to transfer their SEVIS immigration record if they will be attending another U.S. college. Students will need to connect with the ISO (International Services Office) regarding the SEVIS Transfer Request form.