In addition to the resources listed below, students should work with their course instructor or teaching assistant to improve their understanding of course materials.
Tutoring services of the University of Rochester include the following:
- Math Study Hallis staffed by math graduate students who will answer your questions on a walk-in basis. The study hall is in Hylan, room 1104, and hours are posted on the door.
- Student Physics Society helps students with 100-level mathematics, physics, and astronomy coursework. Tutoring is conducted by upper-year students who can answer your questions on a walk-in basis. See their website for more information.
- The Learning Center offers the following kinds of study support:
- Study Groups—Students work together during informal course-specific meetings under the guidance of an older student who recently did well in the course.
- Academic Success Coaching—Helps students manage time better, prepare for tests more effectively, take better notes, and feel less stressed about keeping up with homework.
- Individual tutoring—Students meet one-on-one with a tutor, either by appointment or walk-in.
- The Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program (WSAP)offers a wide variety of writing support services for undergraduate students at all levels and in all disciplines. See the WSAP website for more information.
- The Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA) coordinates study services for minority students and for students in the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP). Academic assistance is offered in the sciences, social sciences, mathematics, and humanities. Students seeking help should contact the OMSA office.
- NROTC students can, in addition to the services listed here, seek help from their NROTC advisors, since their program does provide tutors for certain subjects.
- Tau Beta Pi is an Engineering Honor Society where engineering students can get help with their homework from members on a weekly basis. In turn, each Tau Beta Pi member is expected to tutor on a biweekly basis. Schedules will be posted online at the beginning of each semester.