Rochester Youth Year (RYY)



Rochester Youth Year is an AmeriCorps VISTA-sponsored year of service that matches recent graduates from local area colleges with community agencies to create, expand, or sustain initiatives that alleviate the effects of poverty on Rochester youth and families.


As AmeriCorps VISTA members, Rochester Youth Year fellows provide indirect, capacity building service. This means that they do not directly support clients, but instead create sustainable systems, processes, and infrastructure for their partner organization to more efficiently and effectively provide those supports. VISTA members put their degrees to work through:

  • Community outreach
  • Recruiting and managing volunteers
  • Leveraging funding through grants or fundraising
  • Conducting research
  • Designing culturally-relevant curriculum
  • Assessing programmatic effectiveness

Visit the Rochester Youth Year website to learn more.
Celebrate a decade of local change by reviewing our 10-year Impact Report.