PLTL Workshops
Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) Workshops are small groups of students who meet each week to solve challenging problems under the guidance of a student-leader who has recently been successful in the course.
The University is considered a national leader in the development of these learning teams. PLTL Workshops have been implemented with the participation of faculty in biology, biomedical engineering, chemistry, computer science, earth and environmental science, electrical and computer engineering, linguistics, math, optics, philosophy, and statistics.
PLTL Workshops act as an integral component of the course, incorporating lectures, laboratories, and homework exercises. Student leaders are carefully chosen and trained by faculty and learning specialists in course content, group dynamics, learning theory, and classroom equity. PLTL Workshop materials are usually conceptually challenging in order to promote group problem-solving approaches.
For more information, see the Center for Workshop Education website.