
If you are dropping or withdrawing from a course, you may only be refunded a portion of the tuition paid. View the schedule and information below to see what amount you may be eligible to receive.

Tuition refund schedule

Summer 2024Full Summer
(12 weeks)
Session A1
(4 weeks)
Session A2
(6 weeks)
Session B1
(4 weeks)
Session B2
(6 weeks)
May 20
to August 9
May 20
to June 14
May 20
to June 28
July 1
to July 26
July 1
to August 9
Last day to receive a 100% refund:May 26May 21May 22July 2July 3
Last day to receive a 75% refund:June 8May 26May 29July 7July 10
Last day to receive a 50% refund:June 29June 1June 8July 13July 20
No tuition refund after:June 29June 1June 8July 13July 20

Please note: the deadlines above are different from the add/drop deadlines. Visit the summer calendar for all important dates and deadlines.

Audit fee refunds

If you are auditing a summer courses, you are not eligible for any fee refund after class begins.

Debit or credit card refunds

If you paid your summer course tuition using a debit or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) through UR Student, you will not be refunded the service fee if you drop your class(es).

Matriculated student refunds

If you are a matriculated University of Rochester student (currently enrolled full- or part-time in a University degree program) and drop all your summer courses, you will be subject to a refund schedule that is pro-rated by day (which is different than the refund schedule above).

University employee tuition benefits refund policy

University of Rochester employee tuition benefits are contingent upon your successful completion of the course and continuation of eligibility for tuition benefits, based on employment status with the University. If these criteria are not met, you will be responsible for payment of the course and any related fees. Additionally, your approved tuition benefit waiver is only for the courses listed. Any change in courses listed (add, drop, or withdrawal) will result in you being responsible for payment of the course and any related fees. Contact the Office of Total Rewards at (585) 274-0476 or with questions.


Contact the Office of the Bursar at or (585) 275-3931.