Reopening Procedures

Notice to All URnano Users

Starting on Tuesday May 26, 2020, a selection of URnano tools will be available to select users.

Specifically, each INDIVIDUAL user who will be allowed to use URnano must have explicit formal authorization from their PI, their department head and from the AS&E Dean of Research, John Tarduno. Each individual user’s work must meet the New York State reopening parameters and authorization is not blanketed to cover all of a PI’s research projects. Users with authorization must contact Brian McIntyre ( and Nick Bigelow ( to receive final URnano access permission. We will send alerts as further phases on URnano reopening are implemented.

Above all, any and all users of URnano facilities must (1) be healthy and feeling well and (2) must arrive with clean hands.

User violations of the Standard Operating Procedures as outlined below will result in loss of access to the facilities.

  1. All users must use Dr. Chatbot to verify that they are well enough to come to campus.
  2. There is a two-person occupancy limit in the XPS, the prep, and the SEM/TEM rooms. No more than four persons are allowed in cleanroom. The occupancy counts include URnano staff. f the cleanroom is fully occupied waiting in the hallway is not permitted.
  3. Use the magnetic strips on the entry doors to indicate occupancy, both in and out.
  4. All users must calendar ALL system and tool usage, even the free tools. No walk ups until further notice.
  5. Allow at least one calendar reservation block between reservations to avoid user overlap.
  6. Any and all training will be individualized and must be pre-arranged with the primary staff in charge of the tool in question.
  7. Make buddy arrangements for the cleanroom before you show up.
  8. Put on gloves before entering any of the URnano lab spaces. They are provided at the entrances.
  9. Use provided approved (CDC, NYSDOH, etc) PPE including masks, gloves and eyewear at all times, in addition to normal lab attire.Wear your normal mask into the non-cleanroom areas (Wilmot and Gavett) even if working alone. Use the cleanroom compatible masks provided in the cleanroom anteroom before entering the cleanroom. Personal masks are not permitted in the cleanroom.
  10. Reusable eyewear will be provided and must be worn in all URnano spaces.Eyewear must be cleaned with >70% ethanol before and after each use. Labeled ethanol wash bottles and wipes will be supplied in all lab spaces.
  11. Follow cleanroom specific guidelines posted on the entry door. (see below)
  12. Remain distanced from other users by at least 6’ in all areas.
  13. Wipe down all “common surfaces” (keyboards, mice, table top where you work, etc.) with the ethanol wipes in all areas upon entering and before leaving. Labeled ethanol wash bottles and wipes will be provided in all lab spaces.
  14. Limit time in the labs to data collection. Do notebook work at home.
  15. Make sure you have what you need before entering any area and take what need when you leave; avoid reentries.
  16. Call the primary staff as needed.
    1. Brian: (585) 301-3145
    2. Jim: (585) 410-0533
    3. Nursah: (405) 414-9554
  17. Respect that the staff will not be available all the time. The staff are subject to furloughs like everyone else and are staggering work hours and days to reduce URnano population and protect their health

Cleanroom Specific Instructions—Users must follow these instructions in this sequence:

  1. Don supplied gloves before entering/occupying anteroom. One person in anteroom at a time.
  2. Don booties.
  3. Double glove with supplied cleanroom compatible gloves.
  4. Don cleanroom suit.
  5. Don cleanroom compatible mask (use ONLY of masks supplied in anteroom). PPE and staff surcharges apply.
  6. Don hairnet and safety glasses.
  7. Monitor distancing while in cleanroom and step aside while passing others.
  8. When leaving cleanroom, single occupancy only in the anteroom.
  9. Remove garments and outer gloves. Recycle booties and suit. Discard all other garments. Suits are not to be shared with other users and masks etc. are SINGLE USE ONLY.
  10. Leave anteroom with inner gloves still on.