Attendance, Illness, and Medical Absence


There is no general faculty rule covering attendance at classes, laboratory periods, etc. This matter is left to the individual instructor, who may or may not view irregularities in attendance as serious enough to affect the student’s grade. Students should follow the instructor’s attendance policies as stated in the syllabus and whenever possible, notify instructors by email when they will be absent from class or other class-related activities.

Instructors are also encouraged to report students who are not attending or participating as expected by using the verification form available in UR Student, and submitting a CARE referral if they think a student is in need of additional support. A student who does not respond to outreach from College faculty and/or staff concerning their lack of attendance and participation in courses, may be placed on a leave of absence or withdrawn from the University.

Illness and Absence

Students are urged to inform the College Center for Advising Services (CCAS) when they are:

  • Home for a significant length of time due to illness
  • Temporarily ill and confined to their residence hall
  • Hospitalized
  • Called home due to a family emergency or death
  • Experiencing serious personal concerns which are impacting their ability to attend class and/or complete assignments in a timely manner

Instructors will be notified by email when appropriate or at the student’s request. Additionally, students are encouraged, when they are able, to contact their instructors directly to discuss their absence.

The Office of Disability Resources and the CARE team often coordinate with CCAS when providing communications to instructors.

Make-Up Work

The make-up work missed through absence is a matter left to the discretion of an instructor. Whether it will be permitted at all, or what penalty will be assigned, is up to the instructor.

Students can also consult with an advisor in CCAS when they return to class after an absence to discuss their options upon returning from an illness/absence including:

  • Declaring a leave of absence
  • Arranging for an incomplete contract
  • Withdrawing from a course after the regular deadline

Illness Documentation

University Health Service (UHS) and the University Counseling Center (UCC) do not provide retroactive excuses for missed classes. Students who are seen at UHS for an illness or injury can ask for documentation that verifies the date of their visit(s) to UHS or UCC without mention of the reason for the visit.

If the student’s UHS provider determines the student should curtail activities in the coming days or weeks, the provider will give the student written instructions with specific recommendations.

Documentation cannot be provided to students who were not seen at UHS or UCC for their illness or injury.

Students are encouraged to make every effort to resolve health-related absences and issues by talking with the faculty directly before the end of the semester.

Leave of Absence

Students considering a leave of absence because of an extended or severe illness should talk to a CCAS advisor. Students who apply for a leave of absence will need to submit a Medical Information Request Form to UHS. See the leave of absence page for more information.