Professional Development Funding

The Graduate Student Supplemental Professional Development Funding is meant to provide supplemental funding for students who are presenting at a virtual or in-person domestically based conference and are unable to attend due to funding. Awards will remain capped at a maximum of $500 per student and on reimbursement basis only.

This program provides funding to graduate students in an effort to defray the cost of attending and presenting at academic and professional conferences. These awards are provided on the basis of merit and financial need. The award is intended to partially reimburse professional development cost such as:

  • Transportation
  • Lodging
  • Registration
  • Membership expenses

The applications are graded on a rubric by the Professional Development Funding Award Committee (comprised primarily of GEPA and University staff) who make decisions concerning all awards.

Not all students who apply can be awarded, and the number of awardees is dependent on availability of funding for that academic year. Those who submit thoughtful, detailed applications, demonstrate financial need, with all materials (including department recommendation forms) received by the deadline will be given priority.


The award is divided into two application sessions each year:

  • For events taking place from January to June, students should apply during the spring
  • For events taking place from July to December, students should apply during the summer/fall

Applications for Spring 2025 are now open!

Apply Now!

Applications are due Friday, February 7, 2025. All applications will be reviewed after the deadline.

Funding Criteria

Eligibility criteria:

  • Be invited to present at the conference for which you are requesting funding. Applicants should be presenting at an academic conference or give a research related talk. Poster sessions are also eligible. Students presenting at a virtual conference are also eligible.
  • Be a full-time matriculated University of Rochester graduate student in either the Hajim School or School of Arts and Sciences at the time of application and travel.
  • Have not previously received funding from this award (previously called the GSA Travel Grants).

Applications are evaluated based on:

  • Description of the conference and related research
  • Description of the applicant's potential professional development at the conference
  • Demonstrated financial need and description of itemized budget
  • Overall quality of application
  • Recommendations and confirmation of available departmental funding from the applicant's faculty advisor and/or department graduate coordinator

For further guidance, review the evaluation rubric.


In order to be eligible to receive funding, you need to submit a completed application before the listed deadline. The application must include:

  • A description of the conference and the research topics that are of particular benefit to you
  • A statement explaining the relevance or merit of professional activity, and how it supports your research or professional development in academic field of study
  • An explanation of your financial need and your efforts to find lower cost alternatives in your travel budget
  • An itemized budget of all eligible conference-related expenses, including documentation to support your estimates of expenses
  • An explanation of any confirmed or pending sources of funding that will be used towards the conference
  • A completed form from your faculty advisor and/or department graduate coordinator confirming availability of any departmental funding and recommending your involvement at the conference

Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenses:

  • Transportation costs: domestic airfare, train, bus, and ride share costs
  • Conference and membership fees
  • Accommodations: hotel, Airbnb, etc.
  • Presentation-related material costs: poster printing, etc.

Ineligible expenses:

  • Food and beverages, including alcohol
  • International travel
  • Luxury or non-essential purchases, such as air travel upgrades
  • Coursework or training conferences


  1. To be eligible for supplemental funding, the student should be a full-time matriculated University of Rochester graduate student in the Hajim School or School of Arts & Sciences at the time of application and travel.
  2. Awards will be distributed based on merit/quality of the application and financial need. Those who have proof of limited or no funding from their department and/or other sources will be considered in greater need.
  3. As part of this application your department chair, faculty advisor, or department graduate coordinator will be required to fill out a form stating availability of any departmental funding.
  4. Students can only receive this award once during their graduate education at the University of Rochester.
  5. The applicants should be presenting at an academic conference or giving a research-related talk. Poster sessions are also eligible. Funds will not be awarded for students attending a conference as a participant only.
  6. Students presenting at a virtual conference are also eligible for the award covering their registration fees, etc.
  7. Award winner announcements may be featured on multiple social media platforms and email newsletters.
  8. Funds will not be reimbursed to anyone other than the student.
  9. Awardee’s total reimbursement request must not be greater than the total amount of the expenses of the awardee’s conference-related expenses. To be reimbursed, all conference travel award winners must submit original itemized receipts. Only expense receipts that are for the awardee's personal expenses will be reimbursed.
  10. All funding will be released in accordance with the University finance policies, including the Business Expense and Travel Reimbursement policy. Please note funding cannot be awarded for group travel as the awards are limited.
  11. Some items including meals/food, international travel, and non-essential purchases will not be reimbursed. See the list of eligible expenses and reach out to if you are unsure whether your purchases will be considered an eligible expense.