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Two students standing in front of their research project poster at a poster session.


We offer skills support, study groups, workshops, and more to help Rochester students succeed.

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Tutoring is a free service available for any undergraduate of the University of Rochester.

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Our Center offers opportunities to study collaboratively with classmates under the guidance of an upper-level student leader.

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Students in a linguistics workshop.


Peer-Led Team Learning

Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) Workshops are small groups of students who meet each week to solve challenging problems under the guidance of a student-leader who has recently been successful in the course.

The University is considered a national leader in the development of these learning teams.

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Study Zone

The Study Zone is a quiet place to work where students commit to spend at least three hours a week to benefit from planning and debriefing sessions with a student leader.

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Graduate Students

The Learning Center offers Academic Success Coaching to graduate students in the School of Arts and Sciences, the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the School of Medicine and Dentistry, the Simon Business School, and the Warner School of Education.

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Need help or more information about the Learning Center? Contact us.