Application Guidelines
The purpose of the Barth-Crapsey awards is to stimulate high quality primary research by undergraduates in the humanities and social sciences, especially in the fields of government, politics and political history, social and religious history, and literature. Proposals for projects dealing with topics related to the historical and cultural heritage of the Rochester-Monroe County area are also welcomed.
Twice a year, in fall and spring semesters, cash awards of up to $600 will be made to full-time University of Rochester undergraduates, to support research projects in these areas. Projects should be centered mainly in the University Library system; limited travel for research purposes will be considered in grant applications. Each project must involve a faculty supervisor; projects may be undertaken for academic credit, or may be non-credit.
How to Apply
Students can apply for a Barth-Crapsey Award by submitting the application linked below.
Successful applications will contain the following:
- A description of the project and a statement of its importance.
- The names of the sponsoring faculty member and library resource-consultant likely to play a consulting or advisory role in the project, with a brief description of their roles in the project. If you haven't done so already, consult the library's list of subject specialists to see which librarian is an expert your subject area and can help you find and evaluate the best sources. Don't forget the special collections in Rush Rhees Library; you may also consult materials at the Sibley Library at the Eastman School of Music and the Miner Library at the School of Medicine and Dentistry.
- A time-table for work on the project.
- A budget, itemizing in detail anticipated expenses up to $600 (vague, unspecific statements will not be acceptable). Note: applications for awards less that the $600 limit are wholly in order; in all cases applicants should see to it that their budgets are tight and reasonable to the tasks at hand, not inflated to the limit.
- A letter of support from the main faculty supervisor, commenting on the merits and feasibility of the project and the capabilities of the applicant. The sponsoring faculty will receive an automatically generated email with a secure link to upload their letter of support upon submission of the application.
- A copy of the applicant's current University transcript. This need not be an official transcript; an unofficial copy is sufficient.
- A copy of the applicant's resume.
Timeline for Competition
To apply for an award please submit your completed application according to the following schedule.
- No later than December 1 for projects to be performed the following spring semester
- No later than April 30 for projects to be performed the following summer/fall or during the following academic year
An advisory committee will review project proposals and notify applicants no later than three weeks after receiving the application and letter of support.
Obligations of Barth-Crapsey Fellowship Recipients
As part of their projects, Barth-Crapsey recipients are required to:
- Submit to the Office of Undergraduate Research (on completion):
- An essay or other appropriate summary expression of the outcome of the research undertaken.
- A final budget, indicating how the Barth-Crapsey Award has been spent.
- Request his/her faculty supervisor to send a letter of evaluation to the Office of Undergraduate Research by the end of the final examination period. It is the responsibility of Barth-Crapsey awardees to remind their supervisors to submit this final evaluation.
- Present the findings of his/her research in an appropriate forum in the University community (such as a departmental colloquium, the College-wide Undergraduate Research Exposition, or publication in the Journal of Undergraduate Research.)
Any student receiving a Barth-Crapsey Award is obligated to fulfill the terms of the Award, as specified in these guidelines. Failure to do so without good reason will entail repayment of the amount received.