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Media coaching

Communicate and interview more confidently

University Marketing and Communications can help you prepare for interviews with reporters, writers, and talk show hosts. Media coaching opportunities are available to University faculty and staff, and there’s no charge. Learn how to craft your message, improve your delivery, and maintain control of the interview.

Request a media coaching consultation

Situations we prepare you for:

  • Reporter interviews—in-person, by phone, or by Zoom
  • Radio and TV talk show appearances—by Zoom or in-person

Skills we provide training on:

  • Prepping for the interview or appearance
  • Vocal delivery and mannerisms
  • Framing your points and handling difficult questions
  • Technical set-up (Zoom, Skype or CISCO WebEx)
  • Pitfalls to avoid

Multiple training formats are available:

  • Individual coaching session
  • Group workshop
  • Video/audio recording of sessions
  • Practice interviews