Current Research


RCBU laboratories are advancing the use of ultrasound in clinical diagnosis and discovering new therapeutic applications of ultrasound in medicine and biology. Innovations in biomedical ultrasound require the collaborative expertise of engineers, physicians, basic scientists and clinicians. The RCBU provides an ideal forum to stimulate cross-disciplinary research.

Research Projects

  • Sonoelastography
  • 3D and 4D ultrasound imaging
  • Acoustic radiation force imaging
  • Harmonic imaging
  • Nonlinear acoustics
  • Novel therapeutic applications
  • Biological effects of ultrasound fields
  • Tissue characterization
  • Ultrasound technologies in cell and tissue engineering
  • Acoustic scattering and wave propagation in tissue
  • Ultrasound contrast agents
  • Acoustic cavitation
  • High frequency imaging
  • Lithotripsy
  • Multi-modal imaging techniques
  • Doppler techniques
  • High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) techniques

Support RCBU Research

To support the research, education, and innovation missions of the RCBU, you may make a gift to the Edwin and Pam Carstensen Family Endowment. The Edwin and Pam Carstensen Family Endowment was established to honor the legacy of Edwin L. Carstensen and ensure that his vision of the Rochester Center for Biomedical Ultrasound endures. For further information, please contact Derek Swanson at or (585) 273-1341.