Hon. Robert S. Babcock
At Rochester:
- Played football, baseball, and basketball at the University
- Earned Little All-America honors in football
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Member of Keidaeans
- Earned his baccalaureate degree in History in 1937 and was subsequently a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University where he received his Master of Arts degree in 1939
- Earned a Ph.D. from Northwestern University in 1949
- Extensive political career in the State of Vermont
- From 1951-1955, he served as Vermont State Senator
- Appointed Secretary of Civil & Military Affairs to the Governor in 1955
- Elected as President Pro Tem of the Vermont Senate in 1957
- Elected Lieutenant Governor of Vermont in 1959 and was the Republican Candidate for Governor in 1960 and 1964
- He was a professor of Political Science at the University of Vermont from 1949 to 1964
- Retired in 1981 and passed away in Yuma, AZ in 1985