Charles G. Cochrane, M.D.
At Rochester:
- Played in the #1 position for tennis for three straight years, sophomore through senior seasons
- Earned his M.D. from the University's School of Medicine in 1956
- Shortly after graduation, he worked at the Department of Microbiological Chemistry at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, 1959-60
- Returned to the United States to work with the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in varying capacities
- Served as a member of the Department of Immuno-pathology at the Scripps Clinic since 1974
- Held four fellowships between 1953-54 and 1964-69
- A member of 18 professional organizations
- Has served 10 different consultanships and is a member of 12 editorial boards
- Has lectured professionally throughout North America and Europe