Donald E. Diehl
At Rochester:
- Earned a total of seven letters in three sports-baseball, football, and basketball
- Batted .500 in 1945 for Rochester's only unbeaten baseball team, and was team captain in 1946, hit .400 and was chosen for the Eastern team in the East-Midwest All-Star Collegiate team
- Co-captain for baseball in 1947
- Played football in 1945 and 1946 when he received the Gordon Wallace Trophy
- Starting forward in basketball in 1944-45 and 1945-46
- Member of Psi Upsilon
- Graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 1947
- Drafted by the Brooklyn Dodgers and Washington Redskins
- Played in Dodgers' organization in Olean-Geneva
- Professional Engineers License in 1955
- Life Member, 1987
- Pfaudler Co. design engineer and manager of Test Center
- Taught engineering classes at RIT's evening college
- Life member, Brook-Lea Country Club in Rochester
- President of own Manufacturer's Representative agency, specializing in corrosion and pollution control
- Passed away in July, 2021